
Amateur radio cannot be described in a nutshell.

Many of the so-called OM's --> "Old Man" or XYL's "Ex Young Ladies" are organized in Germany in the DARC "Deutscher Amateur Radio Club". There are good explanatory pages on the subject of amateur radio.

Digital press kit

I started on 30.05.1998 with the call DG3MFW in FM. But from the 5th QSO I went qrv with my Commodore 64 and a self-soldered 1200Baud modem !!! Only a few years later I upgraded to 9600Baud with a self-soldered G3RUH modem.

Unfortunately, for private reasons, I didn't do anything for years and now, for the last 1 year, I have been working more intensively in the field of emergency radio. Now I haven't done anything for 2 months and now I have to collect everything again. That's why these pages are supposed to be my memory aid :-).

And now I'm playing with the FT8 mode and "had" to learn what an eQSL is :-). Including creating one, with reporting to and other homepages.

AND how do you create a homepage in 2 languages, because with FT8 you can get around the world and well, English is the order of the day.




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